Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Archetype of the Shadow

            In Charlotte’s Web, the shadow isn’t as much of a person as an idea. It is the idea of the end. The ends of relationships and the ends of lives are all crucial parts of the plot. In most books the shadow, in any form, is strongly opposed by most of the character that you are rooting for. While this does apply to Wilber, it does not apply to Charlotte. Charlotte does everything in her power to save Wilber, but when it comes time for her to die, she accepts it, understanding that all things must end. This confused me because even though Wilber wasn’t killed, the shadow still won. Charlotte died and her relationship with Wilber ended.
            Charlotte’s Web is a children’s book. It is supposed to end “happily ever after”. Charlotte’s death was anything but happy. Still, the book does end on a note of happiness. It ends with a beginning. The archetype of the shadow in Charlotte’s Web is the idea of ending. The happiest parts of the book are the beginnings: the births, the life and the new relationships. The problem is that you can’t have one with out the other. Wilber never would have met Charlotte if his time with Fern hadn’t ended.  There is no beginning without an end, and there is no life without death. Charlotte understands this, and while she wishes she could see her daughters hatch, she knows that it is her time to go.
            Having the shadow actually be good is trying to say something. It is saying that we cannot waste our lives trying to stop the end from coming. We must accept endings and know that they lead to beginnings. 


  1. i really like this post, and i can completely see where you are going with it. i like what you say about charlottes web being a childrens book, adn that its supposed to end happily, but it doesnt. i think the E.B White played a trick on the young readers, making them think it ends happily, but it really doesnt at all. even though it is a "children's book" i think that its directed at both adult readers and children. yay! --abby

  2. i dont think that the shadow won because even though Charlotte died, her daughters still kept her friendship with Wilbur going. I guess you could say that he didn't like any of them as much as he liked Charlotte, but also he still got the benifit of the doubt. At least he wasnt the one dying! I still think this is an amazing entry and i see your point here, ur such a good writer....i hope to see more posts soon:)


  3. Thanks abby and lena! :)
    And Lena I get what you are saying with that comment and I completely agree with you! In fact, I think we are both right! The end has to win for it to loose. If charlotte hadn't died and her eggs hadn't hatched, the story would have ended at an awkward standstill in time.
